[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] .Normally, the default printer is used (site-dependent), or the value of theenvironment variable PRINTER is used. h Suppress the printing of the burst page. m Send mail upon completion. r Remove the file upon completion of spooling or upon completion of printing (with the -s option). s Use symbolic links.Usually, files are copied to the spool directory.The -s option will use symlink(2) to link datafiles rather than trying to copy them so large files can be printed.This means the files should not be modified orremoved until they have been printed.The remaining options apply to copies, the page display, and headers:-# num The quantity num is the number of copies desired of each file named.For example,lpr #3 foo.c bar.c more.cwould result in three copies of the file foo.c, followed by three copies of the file bar.c, and so on.On theother hand,cat foo.c bar.c more.c | lpr #3will give three copies of the concatenation of the files.Often a site will disable this feature to encourage useof a photocopier instead.1234 font Specifies a font to be mounted on font position i.The daemon will construct a.railmag file referencingthe font pathname.-C Ar class Job classification to use on the burst page.For examplelpr C EECS foo.ccauses the system name the name returned by hostname(1) to be replaced on the burst page by EECS,and the file foo.c to be printed.-J Ar job Job name to print on the burst page.Normally, the first file s name is used.-T Ar title Title name for pr(1), instead of the filename.-U user Username to print on the burst page, also for accounting purposes.This option is only honored if the realuser ID is daemon (or that specified in the printcap file instead of daemon), and is intended for thoseinstances where print filters wish to requeue jobs.-i numcols The output is indented.If the next argument is numeric numcols, it is used as the number of blanks to beprinted before each line; otherwise, eight characters are printed.-w Ns Ar num Uses num as the page width for pr(1).ENVIRONMENTIf the following environment variable exists, it is used by lpr:PRINTER Specifies an alternate default printerFILESetc/passwd Personal identification./etc/printcap Printer capabilities database./usr/sbin/lpd* Line printer daemons./var/spool/output/* Directories used for spooling.lprm301/var/spool/output/*/cf* Daemon control files./var/spool/output/*/df* Data files specified in cf files./var/spool/output/*/tf* Temporary copies of cf files.SEE ALSOlpq(1), lprm(1), pr(1), symlink(2), printcap(5), lpc(8), lpd(8)HISTORYThe lpr command appeared in BSD 3.DIAGNOSTICSIf you try to spool too large a file, it will be truncated.lpr will object to printing binary files.If a user other than root prints afile and spooling is disabled, lpr will print a message saying so and will not put jobs in the queue.If a connection to lpd(1)on the local machine cannot be made, lpr will say that the daemon cannot be started.Diagnostics may be printed in thedaemon s log file regarding missing spool files by lpd(1).BUGSFonts for troff(1) and TeX reside on the host with the printer.It is currently not possible to use local font libraries.BSD 4, 24 July 1991lprmlprm Remove jobs from the line printer spooling queueSYNOPSISlprm [-P printer] [- job #.] [user.]DESCRIPTIONlprm will remove a job, or jobs, from a printer s spool queue.Since the spooling directory is protected from users, using lprmis normally the only method by which a user may remove a job.The owner of a job is determined by the user s login nameand hostname on the machine where the lpr(1) command was invoked.Options and arguments:-P printer Specify the queue associated with a specific printer; otherwise, the default printer is used.- If a single - is given, lprm will remove all jobs that a user owns.If the superuser employs this flag, the spoolqueue will be emptied entirely.user Causes lprm to attempt to remove any jobs queued belonging to that user (or users).This form of invokinglprm is useful only to the superuser.job # A user may dequeue an individual job by specifying its job number.This number may be obtained fromthe lpq(1) program.For examplelpq -l1st:ken [job#013ucbarpa](standard input) 100 byteslprm 13If neither arguments nor options are given, lprm will delete the currently active job if it is owned by the user who invokedlprm.lprm announces the names of any files it removes and is silent if there are no jobs in the queue that match the request list.lprm will kill off an active daemon, if necessary, before removing any spooling files.If a daemon is killed, a new one isautomatically restarted upon completion of file removals.Part I: User Commands302ENVIRONMENTIf the following environment variable exists, it is utilized by lprm:PRINTER If the environment variable PRINTER exists, and a printer has not been specified with the -P option, the defaultprinter is assumed from PRINTER
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