[ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ] .able seats.There are three shows a day.departing.S O U T H E R N D E S E R T &A Q A B AAQABASOUTHERN DESERT &226 SOUTHERN DESERT & AQABA " " Aqaba www.l onel ypl anet.com www.l onel ypl anet.com SOUTHERN DESERT & AQABA " " South of Aqaba 227BUS paying the JD10 per day CDW still leaves you with US$100 Getting Around tirely negotiable, and the drivers in AqabaFrom Aqaba to Amman it s worth paying to pay in the event of an accident.TO/FROM THE AIRPORT enjoy the sport.Most rides cost betweenfor the comfort, speed and air-conditioning Thrifty (x2030313; An-Nahda St) Opposite the Aqaba s King Hussein Airport (x2012111) is lo- 500 fils and JD1.of a JETT or Trust private bus.Try to book Al-Cazar Hotel.cated 10km north of town, close to the bor-tickets for these at least a day in advance.der with Israel & the Palestinian Territories.SOUTH OF AQABABuses for both companies leave from out- You may be faced with a brief customs There s no bus to the airport, so take service The road south of Aqaba stretches aboutside their respective offices.check as you enter the Aqaba Special Eco- taxi 8 (15 minutes, around JD1) from the 18km to the Saudi Arabian border at Ad-From the JETT bus office (x2015223; King Hus- nomic Zone by road from the north.main bus station, or take a taxi for around Durra.Much of the coastline is taken upsein St), next to the Mövenpick Hotel, buses JD5.Be wary of unscrupulous taxi drivers by the massive port facilities, but there arerun five times daily to Amman (JD4.300, MINIBUS trying to fleece unsuspecting tourists who a few beaches, as well as some excellent div-four hours), between 7am and 5pm.The To Wadi Musa (for Petra), minibuses (JD3, have just arrived in Aqaba.ing and snorkelling spots.Minibuses runoffice is a 10-minute walk from the centre.two hours) leave when full between 7am down the road from near Aqaba castle onTrust International Transport (x2039480; Just off and 2pm; the exact departure times depend TO/FROM THE FERRY TERMINAL & King Hussein St to the Saudi border.An-Nahda St) has six daily buses to Amman (JD5, on the number of passengers and you may SOUTHERN COASTfour hours), the first at 7.30am and the last at have to wait an hour or two (which is often Minibuses (250 fils) leave from near the Diving & Snorkelling6pm.There are also buses to Irbid (JD8, 5½ longer than the actual travel time& ).Other- entrance to Aqaba castle on King Hussein The northern end of the Gulf of Aqaba en-hours) at 8.30am, 10.30am and 3.30pm.wise, get a connection in Ma an (JD1.500, St for the Saudi border via the southern joys high salinity, and the winds from theOrdinary public buses travel between the 80 minutes) for which there are hourly de- beaches, camps, dive sites and Royal Div- north and minimal tides mean the watermain bus/minibus station in Aqaba and partures throughout the day.ing Centre, passing en route the ferry termi- stays clear.The temperature of the waterAmman s Wahadat station (JD3.500, five A couple of minibuses go to Wadi Rum nal for boats to Egypt.Minibuses returning is warm (an average 22.5°C in winter andhours) about every hour between 7am and (JD1, one hour), at around 6.30am and, more to Aqaba can be full of construction work- 26°C in summer), attracting a vast array of3pm, sometimes later.Afana has services reliably, 11am.You may find afternoon buses ers heading off shift from 2pm to 3pm.A fish, and helping to preserve the coral.about every hour between 7am and 10pm at 1pm and 3pm.On Friday there is usu- private taxi from central Aqaba to the ferry The Jordan Royal Ecological Society (x06from Aqaba bus station to Abdali station ally only one minibus a day.At other times, terminal shouldn t cost more than JD2, 5679142; www.jreds.org) says the gulf has overin Amman.catch a minibus towards Ma an, disembark at though some try for JD4.A seat in a shared 110 species of hard coral, 120 species ofThere is talk of moving the bus station to the turn-off to Wadi Rum at Ar-Rashidiyya taxi costs JD1.soft coral and about 1000 species of fish.the northern outskirts of Aqaba.and then hitch a ride to Rum village (30km) These include colourful goatfish, leopardfrom there.TAXI flounder, clown fish, trigger fish; variousCAR Minibuses to Amman (JD4, five hours) Hundreds of private (yellow) taxis cruise species of butterfly fish, parrot fish, angelAqaba has branches of all the major car-hire leave hourly throughout the day.the streets beeping at any tourist (Jordanian fish; and the less endearing spiky sea ur-agencies.Most charge a drop fee (JD25) if All of the above minibuses leave from the or foreign) silly enough to walk around in chin, poisonous stonefish, scorpion fish,you wish to leave the car in Amman or main bus/minibus station on Ar-Reem St.the heat rather than take an air-conditioned sea snakes, jellyfish and moray eels.Greenat Queen Alia International Airport.Hir- Minibuses to Karak (JD2, three hours), via taxi.Taxis are unmetered so prices are en- turtles and hermit crabs can also be founding in Aqaba makes some sense as public Safi and the Dead Sea Highway, are the ex-transport in the south of the country is less ception, leaving from the small station nextRED SEA AQABA MARINE PARKfrequent and requires more connections to the mosque on Al-Humaimah St.Jordan s only stretch of coastline is the northern part of the Gulf of Aqaba, and it s home to overthan in the north.Aqaba is also far easier300 types of coral and numerous species of fish and marine life.Jordan s only port (and the region sto drive around than Amman.TAXI & SERVICE TAXImajor shipping lane) and resort cause real problems for the fragile marine environment
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