[ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ] .At the conclusion of the run through you will have the cards separatedinto Spades and Clubs with one red card some where.Now quickly run through the cards with the faces towards you and upjog the red sole card.Ask for the name of the card they selected turn it face up and leave it on the table.Nowplace the black cards in your hand onto the red cards on the table.Let the effect registerwhile you place the selected card back into the deck but amongst the rest of the cards ofthe same suit.The position now is the deck has secretly been separated into the four suites, and you areready for the finale part.Phase 38.Spread the deck face down and have three spectators each take a card one fromsomewhere near the top, one from somewhere near the centre and one from somewherenear the bottom.While they are doing this you say, By looking through both halves I now havememorised the whole deck. Have them look at their cards but to keep them face downon the table so you cannot see the faces.Square up the deck and run through the deck with the face towards yourself.You nowsay, This is the hardest of all as I now have to see what three cards are missing.9.All you need to do now is to spread through the cards and look for what card is missingfrom any of the suit blocks.For example, let s say as you run your eyes over the firstblock, which is Hearts looking for the Ace, then the Two, then the Three and so on untilyou find a card missing.This will be one of the cards on the table.You run through thewhole deck like this till you have the name of all three cards.You can do this slowly as youhave already said that this is the hardest demonstration.You can now reveal the three cards and end a strong demonstration on memory and yourabilities to memorise and entire deck.You are also in the great position of have the decksecretly separated into reds and blacks and into the four suits.Email: sbduggal@hotmail.comWhat s in a Word?James WardWhat follows the construction of my Wordsmith Deck is more of a means to an end,than an end in itself.In that I borrow heavily from those who have gone before me, I makeno claim to originality, at least in the use of principle.Even the tricks I outline are largelymy own version of existing effects.I hope, however, that some of you will use this deck tocreate your own routines.Let me begin, as a dealer might, by describing a three-phase routine:Five of the bestThe magician displays a deck of some 50 words all different.He removes five cards andasks that the words be noted.He now hands five envelopes to the spectator and asks thatthese be examined.They are seen to be both normal and empty.The five word cards aresealed inside the envelopes and these are mixed by the spectator, who then selects onein his own hands.Prior to this, the performer has written his prediction on the back of awhiteboard.The word card is removed from the chosen envelope.Let s say it reads, Today.The prediction is turned around.On it is written the word, Today.Five by fiveThe performer hands out the deck to be shuffled by several spectators.The deck isreassembled, five people are chosen at random and handed a selection of cards.Eachperson is asked to think of one of the cards in their hands.With one or two questions, theperformer quickly reveals the identity of each word being thought of.No peeking!Finally, the deck is given a full shuffle by any spectator.Retrieving the deck, the performerspreads it face down on the table and turns away.(If standing, the cards can simply befanned in the hands.At no time does the performer examine the face of the deck.) Thecard selected is committed to memory, and returned to the deck.The deck is cut severaltimes, and the card hopelessly lost.Turning back, the performer picks up the deck and,simply feeling the cards, tries to sense which word has been chosen.Having satisfiedhimself that he is on the right lines, he returns the pack to its box, without examining it inany way.Concentrating all his mind power on the spectator, the performer now revealsthe chosen word.RequirementsThe pack consists of 50 different words, one of which Earth is a short card.Inaddition (so as to perform the effect, Five of the best) there are four double-sided cards i.e., four different word cards (cards with different words on one side), on the back ofwhich is printed the same word, Today.I use blank-faced Bicycle cards for the 50-carddeck and double-blank cards for the cards requiring words on both sides.The 50 cards are divided into ten groups of five, as follows.The letters that precede eachword will help to identify the chosen card via the standard anagram/word eliminationprocess.I memorise these words.However, as most people will not wish to do so, anextra card can be prepared on which the words (and letter codes) are printed.This cardwill need to be palmed or, more easily, perhaps, hidden inside a small notebook on whichthe performer writes out the thought-of word(s).An alternative approach, familiar to many,is to make up a note-book in which the front and back covers are identical.The words canbe written on the first page inside one end of the note-book.After the information hasbeen acquired, the book can be closed, then reopened at the other end, in order to writethe thought-of word.Here are the words (and the letter codes).Only the words appear on the cards.Thepreceding letters are for the performer s information:B EARTHL ABOUTO BELTC BLOATED BLOCKT OVENA RETURNB CATS BATCH STABLEF DOORL CAFÉA FLOORN LEAFLET INFLATIONC HAPPYO CRACKERV PITCHFORKE VOCATION COVERR SHOUTO TAPERC STOREK CORNER CORKEDD IMAGEA FLOODL FADEDE GLADLY TREADLET WAGONO TIMEL TRACTORD TUTORIAL LOOTEDV UNDERO LIVIDI OVERDUED OLIVE DEVOIDF CREWE FLATR FELLOWN AFTER REFRAINT AVOIDH EXTRAI SOUTHN ETHICS THINKIn performance, you will only need to use, say, five of these groupings at any time.Bymoving them around in your stack, you can vary the words handed out to the spectatorson different occasions.WorkingFive by fiveWith the deck stacked in the above order, hand out the top 25 cards in groups of five forshuffling.The remainder of the deck can be handed to another person for shuffling.Taking back the cards, ensure they are gathered up in order, ie the bulk of the deck on thebottom, and the rest of the groups placed on top so that the order is as set out above
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