[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] .143 And as the apostle spake thus, all that were there hearkened, supposing that in that hour hewould depart out of life.And again he said: Believe on the physician of all [DISEASES], bothseen and unseen, and on the saviour of the souls that need help from him.This is the free-born[SON] of kings, this the physician of his creatures; this is he that was reproached of his ownslaves; this is the Father of the height and the Lord of nature and the Judge (? Father of nature200 201and Lord of the height and supreme Judge, Syr.): he came of the greatest, the only-begotten sonof the deep; and he was called the son of (became visible through, Syr.) Mary the virgin, and wastermed the son of Joseph the carpenter: he whose littleness (we beheld) with the eyes of ourbody, but his greatness we received by faith, and saw it in his works whose human body we feltalso with our hands, and his aspect we saw transfigured (changed) with our eyes, but hisheavenly semblance on the mount we were not able to see: he that made the rulers stumble anddid violence unto death: he, the truth that lieth not, that at the last paid the tribute for himself andhis disciples: whom the prince beholding feared and the powers that were with him weretroubled; and the prince bare witness (asked him, Syr.) who he was and from whence, and knewnot the truth, because he is alien from truth: he that having authority over the world, and thepleasures therein, and the possessions and the comfort, [REJECTED] all these things and turnethaway his subjects, that they should not use them.144 And having fulfilled these sayings, he arose and prayed thus: our Father, which art inheaven: hallowed be thy name: Thy kingdom come: Thy will be done, as in heaven so uponearth: [GIVE the of Syr.day, bread constant us] and forgive us our debts as we also haveforgiven our debtors.And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.My Lord and God, hope and confidence and teacher, thou hast taught me to pray thus, behold, Ipray this prayer and fulfil thy commandment: be thou with me unto the end; thou art he that fromchildhood hast sown life in me and kept me from corruption; thou art he that hast brought meunto the poverty of this world, and exhorted me unto the true riches; thou art he that hast mademe known unto myself and showed me that I am thine; and I have kept myself pure fromwoman, that that which thou requirest be not found in defilement.[At the words 'My Lord and God' begins the double text, represented on the one hand by the MS.U and on the other by the Paris MS.P, and three (partly four) others.These insert the prayerafter ch.167.Their text, I believe, may be the original Greek.I follow it here, repeating the firstparagraph.](144) My Lord and God, my hope and my confidence and my teacher, that hast implantedcourage in me, thou didst teach me to pray thus; behold, I pray thy prayer and bring thy will tofulfilment: be thou with me unto the end.Thou art he that from my youth up didst give mepatience in temptation and [SOW in] me life and preserve me from corruption; thou art he thatdidst bring me into the poverty of this world and fill me with the true riches; thou art he that didstshow me that I was thine: wherefore I was never joined unto a wife, that the temple worthy ofthee might not be found in pollution.145 My mouth sufficeth not to praise thee, neither am I able to conceive the care and providence(carefulness) which hath been about me from thee which thou hast had for me).For I desired togain riches, but thou by a vision didst show me that they are full of loss and injury to them thatgain them and I believed thy showing, and continued in the poverty of the world until thou, thetrue riches wert revealed unto me, who didst fill both me and the rest that were worthy of theewith thine own riches and set free thine own from care and anxiety
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