[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] .Action Modify the WITH INTERFACE clause.Either remove the indicator variable ordeclare a host variable for it.MOD 00072 PNAME option is specified but not meaningfulCause The PNAME option was used when there was no need for it.The PNAMEoption is only required when you specify RPC_GENERATE, STORE_PACKAGE,or both.Action Correct the command line.MOD 00073 INAME option is specified but not meaningfulCause The INAME option was used when it was not required.For example, INAME isnot required when RPC_GENERATE=YES and the PNAME option are specified.Action Do not use the INAME option.MOD 00074 ONAME option is specified but not meaningfulCause The ONAME option was used when it was not required.For example, theONAME option is not required when RPC_GENERATE=NO, andSTORE_PACKAGE=YES, or the OUTPUT values list does not contain theCODE value.Action Do not use the ONAME option.MOD 00075 error at line N.PLS N: textCause A semantic error occurred in the PL/SQL parse phase when runningSQL*Module.Action Check that all database objects are valid.To get more information, rerunSQL*Module with OUTPUT=PACKAGE, and check the output PL/SQL codefile (it has a.pkb extension).See the PL/SQL User s Guide and Reference formore information8 8 Oracle7 Server Messages00000 00100: SQL*Module MessagesMOD 00076 ANSI violation at line N.PLS N: textCause FIPS=YES was specified and part of the module code is not compliant with theANSI SQL92 Entry Level standard.Action Specify FIPS=NO (the default) or correct the code.MOD 00077 mandatory parameter SQLCODE or SQLSTATE is missingCause Include a status parameter SQLCODE, SQLSTATE, or both in everyparameter definition.Action Include SQLCODE or SQLSTATE.MOD 00078 must specify a user if generating stubs from stored packageCause Because no USERID was specified, SQL*Module cannot connect to the server tocreate stubs (an interface procedures file) from the stored package.Action Specify the service name (if not connecting to the default database), and theusername and password.Do this either on the command line or in aconfiguration file.MOD 00079 SQLCHECK must be SEMANTICS when RPC_GENERATE=yesCause SQLCHECK=SYNTAX (or SQLCHECK=NONE) cannot be specified whencreating a stubs file.Action Remove the SQLCHECK=SYNTAX or SQLCHECK=NONE specification fromthe command line or the configuration file.MOD 00080 error extracting stored package source.Cause OUTPUT=PACKAGE was requested on the command line or in a configurationfile, and a package of the name specified does not exist in the schema or ismarked as INVALID.Action Check that the named package exists and is valid.MOD 00081 failed assertionCause Some part of the input to SQL*Module caused an error or warning condition.This message always follows a specific error or warning message.Action No action required for this message.Correct the previous errors.SQL*Module Messages 8 900000 00100: SQL*Module MessagesMOD 00086 error: couldn t install username.Aborted.Cause The server rejected a username.Action If the username is valid, contact customer support.MOD 00088 feature not implemented yetCause SQL*Module encountered a SQL statement that it can compile, but that uses afeature not yet implemented.Action Contact Oracle Languages Product Management.MOD 00093 SNAME option is specified but not meaningfulCause The SNAME option was used when it was not required.For example, noSNAME option is required if the values list of the OUTPUT option does notinclude the value SPECIFICATION.Action Do not use the SNAME option.MOD 00094 extension in PNAME option is specified but not meaningfulCause A filename extension was included in the value of a PNAME option.Packagesare database objects, not files.Action Remove the extension.MOD 00095 Datatype X is not valid for the host languageCause A datatype was used that is not supported for the host language.For example,NUMERIC is not a supported datatype for Ada and C.Action Refer to the Programmer s Guide to the Oracle Precompilers for a list of thedatatypes supported in each host language.MOD 00096 LNAME option is specified but not meaningfulCause The OUTPUT option list does not contain the value LIST.Action Add LIST to the list of values of the OUTPUT option.8 10 Oracle7 Server Messages00000 00100: SQL*Module MessagesMOD 00097 WITH INTERFACE must be specified for this host languageCause A PL/SQL package or function specification did not have a WITH INTERFACEclause.Currently, MODADA requires the WITH INTERFACE clause to bepresent in order to create calls to a PL/SQL function or package.Action Rewrite PL/SQL package or function specification to include a WITHINTERFACE clause.Alternatively, write a PL/SQL package or functionspecification which has a WITH INTERFACE clause and have it call the originalPL/SQL package.MOD 00098 WITH INTERFACE may only be defaulted when bind=lateCause A Command line option, bind=early was specified while creating calls to aPL/SQL package or function without a WITH INTERFACE clause.Action Change the command line option to bind=late , or include a WITHINTERFACE clause in the PL/SQL specification (see error 97 action).MOD 00099 type name is invalid when storing a module (store=yes)Cause The module contained a type for which there is currently no equivalentPL/SQL type; it may not be stored in the database.Action Set the command line option to STORE=NO or move the procedurescontaining the offending type to another module and compile that modulewith STORE=NO.SQL*Module Messages 8 1100000 00100: SQL*Module Messages8 12 Oracle7 Server MessagesA P P E N D I XMessagesAAlphabeticallyhis appendix contains an alphabetical list of the messages thatTappear earlier in this book.You can use this list to find a messagenumber if you know the first few words of a message.For example, ifyou know the message begins with the words conversion data. , youwould find the message in this appendix that begins with these words,see that ORA 00404 is the message number you need, and then refer toChapter 2 for more information contained in the Cause and Actionstatements that accompany each message.See the section in Chapter 1, Locating Messages on page 1 2 for more general information aboutinterpreting messages, such as message stacks.If you cannot find the message you are looking for, it may begin withvariable text.Message that begin with variable text are listed on pageA 2 under Messages Beginning with Variable Text.In this manual, variable text in a message is denoted by italics; forexample: var, name, num, str, string, and so on.For example:PLS 00365, FOOBAR is an OUT parameter and cannot be readappears in this appendix as:PLS 00365, var is an out expression and cannot be readMessages Alphabetically A 1Messages Beginning with Variable TextDBA 00341 name is an undefined bind variableDBA 00366 name name is malformed, it must be of form [[a.]b
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