[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] .Such sinsare the manufacture or sale of adulterated foods and drinks and of narcotics, sins ofindifference, or extortions which cause poverty, overcrowding, disease and indecencyin miserable dwellings, sins of employers who do not provide safe and sanitary placesto work, and who pay insufficient wages.These sins, too, may be chargeable to thosewho are not directly interested as employers but are their agents, and to persons inpublic office, through whose connivance such conditions are allowed to exist.Revolutionists who fish in troubled waters also belong here.In the same way thepeople at large are responsible if they know of such facts and do not do what they canto remedy conditions by which sins against the body are committed.In this way acommunity as well as its party politicians may commit sins, as by permitting abuse ofconvicts or by allowing rivers and lakes to be polluted by sewage or by not insistingupon laws to compel sanitary food, dwellings and travel.The physical body is the house of the doer and should become the temple of theTriune Self; into a physical body are solidified the four elements and the beings inthem.Matter and beings travel in the body and are there affected by the conditions inwhich it exists and then are transformed, transmuted, etherealized and go back intothe kingdoms of physical nature.In a human body the four great spheres are togetherand there they may be affected.In a human physical body the Great Universe and allits many beings can be brought together and focussed.Therefore by sins against ahuman body, one's own or another's, nature is more directly affected than by any othersins of man.Sins against the Triune Self are giving free rein to one's desires and appetites, indisregard of what one senses or knows to be wrong.The desires may be for physicalenjoyments, as overeating or laziness, or for psychic enjoyments, as sensuality orpleasure generally, or they may be for mental enjoyments as ambition, arrogance andselfishness generally.There are sins against the thinker.They are the denial of the existence of theLight of the Intelligence, the intentional shutting out the Light so that one may remainin desired darkness.Then there are the sins against the doer of another.These are theencouragement or seduction or coercion of him to acts or indulgences that are sinsagainst his Triune Self.Sins against the thinker of another are keeping him indarkness, shutting out the Light of his Intelligence for him, preventing him fromreaching out for knowledge and generally seducing or forcing him to do or suffer sinsagainst his own thinker, as by encouraging infantile belief, lying, perjury andotherwise acting against his conscience.One commits a sin against his Intelligence by denying the existence of thatIntelligence.The intentional shutting out of the Light of the Intelligence may appearin the form of bigotry, as the refusal to think about or examine religious problems, oras the clinging to an ancestral creed when one has outgrown it, or because of mentallaziness.As conscience is the knowledge in the doer of its contemplated departurefrom what is its standard of right, the stifling of conscience is a crime against theIntelligence.Lying, which is the intentional statement of a falsehood, and perjury,which is a similar statement after a solemn invocation of the deity, are crimes againstthe Intelligence because they flout its Light.Though a liar is often a clear thinker, yethe blurs his own thinking and dims the Light that is in his atmosphere, because onlyto the degree that one sees a lie to be true can one lie most successfully and influenceothers.Though a lie is known to be a lie, it nevertheless beclouds the mental outlookof him who utters it.Sins against nature may be sins against nature or sins against nature gods.Thesins against nature are committed by sinning against one's own body or the body ofanother.The matter circulating through human physical bodies is affected, improvedor vitiated, while under the influence of the Light that is with the portions of doersinhabiting them.It is a sin against the Supreme Intelligence to deny that there is law and order inthe Universe.If one is not sufficiently enlightened to believe in the SupremeIntelligence, that is no sin; but everyone has enough knowledge to believe in somekind of a God or an Intelligence.Whatever God a man worships as the author of hisbeing and intelligence, by that form he worships the Supreme Intelligence, the highestsource of his conscience, duty and responsibility.Sins, here put into these classes, are a disturbance of order, and an adjustmentfollows automatically.The adjustment originates inside of the man, and at onceprovides in the thought itself the balancing factor, and causes exteriorizations inevents on the physical plane until a balance is made to the satisfaction of conscience.This satisfaction is at the same time sufficient for universal adjustment and thetendency to maintain order in the Great Universe.True repentance is the recognition of having done wrong, coupled with the will tocompensate by doing or suffering to adjust and to do one's duty.Forgiveness of sincan be had only from one's conscience and only at the completion of thecompensation, that is agreement, which must inevitably have been made in all fouratmospheres.Salvation is being free from the consequences of continuedexteriorizations flowing out of all sinful thoughts.It can only be the result ofadjustment.This is the meaning of the doctrines of repentance, forgiveness of sins andsalvation.SECTION 7The law of thought.Physical, psychic, mental, and noetic destiny.Thus the Great Law by which the plan is worked for lowering, condensing andmaterializing spirit or force into matter through the beings and forms of nature untilthese are fashioned into a human body, and then for raising and sublimating thatmatter which becomes an aia and then a Triune Self until that Triune Self becomes anIntelligence, has at the human stage the aspect of the law of thought, as destiny.The law of thought centers on the rightness of the thinker of the Triune Self,under the circumstances of a given situation.Physical conditions offer to the humanan opportunity to perform his duty.Duty is measured by responsibility anddetermined by conscience.Duty is that part of the doer's destiny selected from all itspast as necessary to be disposed of in the present; responsibility is the degree ofknowledge in the particular situation; and conscience, when selfness sends themessage through rightness, is the knowledge which warns of departure from right.Inevery situation in life there is a duty, easy or hard, of action or inaction.When theduty is presented the human does it or fails to do it.The doing or not doing is theresult of the action of mind with desire.The Light of the Intelligence which is diffused in a part of the mental atmosphereof the human combines with desire into thinking and then into a thought.Certainmental operations of the body-mind are what are commonly called mind
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